The company has always had the goal of satisfying its customers, in terms of the quality of the services provided and continuous improvement.
The Company is strongly committed to trying to achieve levels of continuous improvement of environmental performance in order to respond promptly to all applicable environmental regulations. To this end, the Management intends to ensure the pursuit of the aforementioned objective through the following environmental policy:

  • Treat waste and procedures by promoting an effective environmental prevention and protection policy against its negative environmental impacts;
  • Preventing pollution;
  • Treat, produce, store, transport, use and initiate the proper disposal of residues resulting from the activity in order to protect the environment as well as the health and safety of employees and the public;
  • Observe every law, regulation and regulation applicable to services, processes and waste. Where such requirements do not exist or are not adequate, the company will adhere to its standards in order to achieve the global objectives that it has set;
  • Monitor and reduce company discharges wherever possible;
  • Carry out periodic environmental assessments;
  • Aim to reduce the consumption of natural resources;
  • Adopt an environmental management system aimed at improving the environmental impact of the company’s activities;
  • Adopt in the production and supply of the service and production of goods the operating methods that cause a lower environmental impact;
  • Improve the environmental training of all personnel. To achieve the objectives defined in the environmental policy, the Company
  • Carry out periodic reviews of its environmental management system;
  • It involves all employees as widely as possible;
  • It favors new ideas and proposals for improvement;
  • It ensures that each manager coordinates their collaborators, directing them towards continuous improvement;
  • It implements the professional and cultural improvement of individual resources at all levels through a Training Plan aimed at effective staff growth;
  • It defines and implements environmental management programs aimed at improving environmental performance. The company ensures that the environmental policy is:
    1. 1)  DIFFUSED through specific training / information meetings and posting of the same in the organization’s premises.
    2. 2)  APPLIED through internal audits
    3. 3)  SUPPORTED by verifying the commitment and suggestions of the staff aimed at its implementation.
    4. 4)  PUBLISHED OUTSIDE by informing, where requested, customers, suppliers, competent authorities, and ingeneral all interested parties who show particular interest in this topic and who request it.